Friday, December 2, 2011

Man with red bags and other pictures

I hope this doesn't get boring for you, but I'm on a roll here... I just love taking the little camera out for a spin in the subway... It allows me to do what I love to best: Look at people and show their humanity... Of course I still have not completely resolved if it's ethically OK to take portraits without people knowing... I hope that I add something by doing this... I hope so at least... A friend told me today about the German photographer Heinrich Riebesehl (1939-2010) and his series "Menschen im Aufzug" (People in in a lift)... What a lovely series shot using a hidden camera... You can check it out here: "People in a lift"
The first one is my first one of musicians & performers on the train... It happens quite often, but I've never been able to get good shots of it before... Quite happy with this one... Some weeks ago a performer came into the car and said "Got bad news: I gotta play!" He got a good laugh out of the people there...
The other situation that I want to catch are subway preachers... I mean I'm quite impressed by the kind of conviction that allows you to go out there and basically try to show the world that they are wrong, living in sin and only your way can save them...

I wonder how long their shifts are... Ringing that bell for hours must be quite tiring!

Love this art work... Must go back and try to get a good shot of every one of the signs...

 A little further in...

More performers... Gathering actually quite a crowd...

Actually love the juxtaposition of the beautiful woman exiting the train with style and the man in the back just plainly staring at camera...

Man withe red bags.

Always the exciting moment when trying to squeeze into a packed train... Especially coming in late and being by the door... A lot more relaxing when the door is finally closed and the train starts to move...

I think he figured me out after this one... I'm so glad I managed to get this one though!

Love the scarf!

With a lot of people I see on the subway I'm really impressed by the way they carry themselves... He is just there.


  1. Thank you, Monsieur Vincent! :) Thanks for commenting as well!!!

  2. I so enjoy the vicarious thrill of getting these moments as I love to look at the faces on the subway,too.

  3. Thank you, Susan! Good hearing from you, especially that you are enjoying this series! Me too! ;)
